Small Business Bankruptcy Is a Tool to Reorganize.

It Doesn't Necessarily Mean You're Going out Of Business.
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Small Business Bankruptcy Attorney In Norman, Oklahoma

Understanding Small Business Bankruptcy

Owning a small business can be extremely rewarding both personally and financially. There are times, however, when the financial side of things just doesn’t go as planned. There are many different reasons why small businesses have financial issues, and sole proprietorships can be especially stressful if you have no one to help you out. 

Are your business debts overtaking your profitability? Is your small business struggling to cope with financial pressures? It's time you consider the proven expertise of Bankruptcy Law Attorney David Sisson. Based in Norman, Oklahoma, David specializes in small business bankruptcy, offering expert advice and guidance to help you navigate through the complexities of bankruptcy laws.

Contact Law Offices of B. David Sisson to schedule a consultation with a lawyer today. 405-977-3201

Navigating the Complex Small Business Bankruptcy Process

Regardless of the case, bankruptcy can be a good tool to deal with the situation when debts get out of hand and threaten to sink your business. When you are considering bankruptcy as a small business, the first thing to remember is that even if you file for bankruptcy it does not necessarily mean that you have to go out of business. While business bankruptcy can certainly be used as part of the going-out-of-business process, it is often used as a part of reorganization plans, to help avoid that result entirely. In fact, the Small Business Reorganization Act of 2019 made it easier for small businesses to reorganize under bankruptcy, protect their business assets under bankruptcy, and avoid Chapter 7 bankruptcy which liquidates the business.

take Control of your Financial Future

Here at The Law Offices of B David Sisson, we have been helping small business owners in Oklahoma deal with their debt and bankruptcy issues since 1990. This level of experience won’t be easy to find anywhere else, and when combined with our passion for helping every client who walks through the door, you’ll see why we are the ideal choice when your business is having financial issues and you’re in need of a deep business reorganization and a clean slate. 

Contact Us Now

Disclaimer: We are a debt relief agency. We are attorneys who help people file for bankruptcy relief under the bankruptcy code.

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